The Advanced Machine Design Company Four Post Hydraulic Bar and Billet Shear is the most economical of our bar shear designs while still producing the highest quality shear cuts available.
The four post bar and billet shear design incorporates our standard hydraulic bar shear features. This includes our patented circuitry that controls the Back Support and Hold Down System, eliminating “bar slap”, extending knife life, and producing the highest quality shear cut available. Optional integrated induction heating systems are available for two and four post bar and billet shears to eliminate stress cracks in cut material.
The AMD four post hydraulic bar shear uses heavy duty tooling that prevents scale buildup in the knife pockets. The knife design also allows for the cutting of unusual shapes and structural profiles. Our tooling manipulator option eliminates any heavy lifting, making knife changes quick, safe and easy.
Our four post bar shears are designed and built to be rugged, versatile, efficient, and economical. In over 37 years of machine building, not a single AMD Shear has been permanently removed from service due to machine failure. Off the shelf components are used whenever possible, meaning less expense and less downtime. Shears can always be retrofitted with the latest controls and hydraulic upgrades to keep the machines running effectively for many years to come.
AMD Four Post Hydraulic Bar and Billet Shear Key Features:
- Most accurate cold bar shear cuts available
- Versatile bar shear
- Highly reliable
- Good operator and maintenance access
- Economical
- Simple and efficient design
- Induction heating option to eliminate material stress cracks
- Tooling manipulator option
Shear Machinery Types:
Advanced Machine Design offers a complete line of standard and custom material handling machinery. Each system is designed and engineered to interface with our four post hydraulic bar shears. By utilizing a modular concept, AMD is able to provide a totally automated bar shear system specifically tailored to the customer's needs. The modular concept also allows the bar shear system to grow as the customer’s needs grow. These systems are flexible enough for both hot shear and cold shear applications.
Advanced Machine Design Company Hydraulic Bar and Billet Shears: rugged, reliable, versatile, and efficient.